Saturday, March 8, 2014

Springtime Decor!

Woo spring is finally almost around the corner! I took this morning off to sleep in, clean my room, catch up on some organization, and put out my springtime decor! I'm definitely glad I did so, because I feel so much more relaxed now and ready to tackle another rough week of school! There's just something about cleaning and organizing that refreshes my brain. I love coming home to a clean, organized room and get more studying done when my room is tidy. 

I also love spring because of all the colors. While fall and winter are usually full of darker, toned down colors, spring and summer are so vibrant and I have an excuse to brighten up my room even more! I will admit, I have a hard time decorating my room for fall and winter because everything is so bright and pink, but it makes it really easy to decorate for spring/summer. 

I put out some new items I picked up from JoAnn fabrics over the past few weeks and re-organized some stuff on my desk and especially my dresser. I definitely love the changes and compliment my decor even more. First thing I'm most excited about is my new pitcher with daisies, lavender, and bright yellow stems. I found the pitcher on sale (from the Valentine's Day clearance section) for only like $5 I believe. I've wanted a decor pitcher for SO long now and was super happy that I was able to finally get one! It definitely looks very polished and spring-appropriate. I filled it with hot pink daisies and other little stems I found. It looks like spring in a little can! Love love love. Definitely brightens my room up a lot and cheers it up (if that makes any sense). I also want to try growing my own plants this year so we'll see how that goes. Maybe a little later this month or in April.

Next, I moved my little Hello Kitty picture holder from my dresser over to my desk. I had it picture-less for a really long time, but I decided to put some pictures up. I put up one from my trip to Paris a couple summers ago, a picture of me and one of my best friends from high school, and a picture of our trip from NYC. I'm going to replace the middle one with a picture from my birthday dinner last year, but I have to get it developed first. Again, the colors in the base are so bright and pretty, I love it. And I love that whenever I glance up, I see pictures of some of my favorite people and favorite moments of life. Oh! And I also got a little ceramic bunny from JoAnn. Thought it added a little kick of Easter :)

Next, my dresser. I totally re-organized it. It doesn't look like it, but I shifted nearly everything around. For one, I put the pitcher of flowers on the opposite side, so they're not getting crowded and forgotten in the corner. Next, I condensed my makeup brushes to fit into my "Macchu Pichu" cup my friend got me a while back. And then my jewelry lady is in the other corner where my flowers used to be. I'm really liking this change because now all my jewelry is together and my flowers are more viewable than they were before. And my little bottles of daily-use products (deodorant, body spray, eye cream) are front and center. I might get a little dish to hold those in the future, but for now I think they look fine as they are.

Not much changed on this side, except I removed the hearts on my closet door and replaced them with some random butterfly, flowers, and hearts stickers I found at JoAnn. They look lame from far back, but they look nice up front. Not sure if I'll continue to do that for the next season though, I might revert back to putting magazine cutouts there instead since they look better in my opinion. But hey look, my floors clean!

Oh and lastly, I picked up a bunch of sweatpants from Walmart! Yeah not the chicest place to shop, but they had sweatpants on sale for $3 each....hard to resist. I have one pair I bought last year and oh my gosh they are SO comfortable! Definitely had to pick up a few more for this next brutal month of studying. Gonna be so comfy in the library! :) Oh and the pink sweatshirt on the right was also only $3 and looked really comfortable. So I snagged it for days I felt a little lazy and wanted a cozy bright sweater.

So that's about it. I did change some stuff around in my living room (added yellow daisies to replace the Christmas poinsettias that were initially there), but nothing that exciting. I'm definitely loving the new re-organization and decor and it's just all so happy and pink! :) Probably will be keeping most of these up all the way through summer, so probably wont' be decorating as much these next few months until fall :)

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