Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Current Read: February

To be honest, I got this book back in mid-December, but I had forgotten about it until recently. It's been sitting in the bottom of my backpack, since I had originally thought I would read it on-the-go in between studying. As always, that never happened and this book has stayed in the bottom of my bag for almost two months now. I was cleaning my backpack the other day and re-discovered this book and felt a twinge of guilt because this book is really good and I completely neglected to finish it in the midst of all my other responsibilities.
In a recent article, I read that instead of watching TV, playing on your phone, or surfing the internet before bed, it's better to read a book or listen to music to help you fall asleep easier. I've since put this desk on my nightstand (aka my dresser that acts as my nightstand), and plan on reading a chapter or two every night before bed. It's a short, cheerful book with 1-3 page "chapters" on different aspects of life and how to find happiness and balance within them. Oftentimes during medical school, I find myself extremely stressed out and that somehow translates into me being alone, depressed, and engaging in negative behaviors like binge eating, giving up, demeaning myself, etc. I actually got this book to help myself overcome all that inciting stress and to be more optimistic. I've read the first few chapters and it's quite affective at boosting my mood. I'm hoping that reading this every night before bed will help relax me, have positive thoughts, and relieve some of the built up stress/tension that's been accumulating due to all this studying. A very appropriate February read!

1 comment :

  1. Have you read "I'm Ok, You're Ok"? I remember reading it long ago when I needed it.

    P.S: New here!
