Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Post-Exam Meals and Studying!

Lots of things to update about! I took my Musculoskeletal/Derm exam yesterday and boy was that a nightmare. A lot of students and I felt as if we hadn't heard of half the stuff on the exam, so I was quite worried about failing right after I completed the test. Crazyness. I don't know though, I feel as if the average is going to be low, and I think I should be fine. To brighten up my day, however, I had a delicious lunch at Nicky's Thai Kitchen. The photo above is a snapshot of my yummy (and beautiful!) meal, cashew nut chicken with white rice. I ate worse than I expected on Sunday, so I decided to lighten things up on yesterday and opt for a chicken/veggie dish rather than indulging in fattening yellow curry. I'm so proud of myself for not caving in! I even skipped the super-salty soup they gave as an appetizer!

As a diet update, I think I'm finally dropping some weight! A lot of it is probably water weight, but still, I'm so excited to see some of my stomach bloat drop and my jeans fit a smidge better. My legs feel a lot skimmer in jeans, but my waist is still a little tight. The fat area around the waist is always lost later so I'm not too worried. This is coming up on week 2 of my diet, and I'm really happy to see progress already! I'm not getting too excited because I still have a lot of work to do, but this proves that my efforts are paying off!

Also started studying for Step 1 yesterday!! Only got through 2 sections of Pathology, so I think I need to speed up a little bit. It's a lot harder than I anticipated since I don't remember learning ANY of the stuff I went through yesterday. I rather spend longer on my first pass through the material so that pass #2 and #3 will go by a little smoother and be more of a review than learning things for the first time. Another full day of studying planned today :( but, new episodes of Ravenswood and Pretty Little Liars tonight! So exciting! :)

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