Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year's Resolutions Update!

It's officially been one week into 2014! Woo! Have you kept up with your resolutions? Let's check in and see how I'm doing on my resolutions.

#1 Weight
So I'm kind of sick of weighing myself on the scale because I find that it really makes me nervous and totally derails/damages my diet if I gain even half a pound. Therefore I've stopped weighing myself religiously like I used to. As far as clothes fit, I think it's still a little too early to tell, although I kinda I'm a little less bloated! Not much, but I'm trying to take baby steps rather than make big, huge changes at one time. Currently I'm up to working out for 30 minutes at a time for about 4-5 days a week. Not too shabby, but I'd like to eventually hit 45-60 mins each day for 4-5 days a week. I'm drinking as much water as possible, but not as much as I'd like to, so I want to work on that as well.

#2 Capturing memories
UGH I hate the weather for ruining my plans!! It's been super duper chilly here the past week (-30 wind chill today! ...yeah!) so my plans of hanging out with a friend before she moved out to Greensburg for PA school kinda went down the drain. The roads are kinda icy and it's seriously SO cold outside! So glad we don't have mandatory school this morning. However, I have some pretty awesome get-togethers lined up this weekend/next week like Ikea, Thai food, Wicked show, etc. which should be tonssss of fun since I haven't seen my friends in like 2+ weeks :) 

#3 Old friends
This kinda ties in with #2, but like I said lots of get-togethers planned once I get outta Cranberry and back into the Oaks! :) As far as old friends go, I've kinda texted Dan and Emma a little bit over break, but I'll probably check in with them towards the end of the month. Kinda bummed that a few of my college friends visited over break for a wedding, but I couldn't get to see them ;( and again bummed about not being able to see Anne before she leaves for PA school. Ughhh friends moving away totally sucks! :( I have a feeling that this may be my hardest resolution this year...

#4 Processed foods/refined sugars
I'm doing pretty well with this one. I'm slowly trying to cut processed foods from my diet. I will admit I ate some white bread yesterday and white pasta but only because I'm at home and my parents hate anything whole wheat and mostly only stock refined pastas and breads. I just went grocery shopping yesterday though and didn't get anything refined and really really cut back on the processed, canned foods. I mean I'm not gonna go crazy and cut out EVERY little piece of processed food because that would just be completely impossible because of my hectic lifestyle. But I think I did cut out a good bit. Like no more Cheez-Its for snacks, no more Lean Pockets, not even Ritz crackers! I got some healthy-ish snacks, soups, and frozen foods at Whole Foods that look a lot cleaner than the stuff I was eating before so I'm really excited to try those! But yeah, I'm going to see how I handle all my January groceries and make adjustments likewise, but so far so good!! Really proud of myself for eating healthy these last few days. Like I said, not pristine clean food, but definitely much better than I had been doing last semester. Let's keep this going! 

#5 Sleeping 7+ hours a night
I'm doing well on this too! Although it's only the second day back at school haha. I've been trying to change my sleeping patterns to wake up earlier and earlier. I went from waking up at 10 am Sunday to 8:30 am Monday to 7:30 am today. So hopefully will be waking up at 6am in the next few days here! I only slept 6 hours last night though but I think that's okay since I'm still changing sleeping schedules. I'll probably be super tired tonight and end up sleeping at 9am. I love waking up in the morning with the sun, and that's a great motivator for me to get my butt up and get my day started. Can't wait until the weather clears up and I can start doing some light morning walks at sunrise too. 

#6 Money
Ah, last but not least my new year's resolution to fix my shopping problem. Alright, sooooo I may have kind of cheated on No Buy January and bought some sweaters at Target :X buttttt I've really been wanting some new sweaters since November because a lot of mine are starting to get old and worn. Target had 50% off their sweaters and so I figured what the heck, my exception to the no buy rule is only if there are good sales, and this fit the exception! So I got 2 sweaters and 1 long t-shirt for $30 and I'm so so so happy because two of them can work for spring as well. And I'm actually proud of myself for not wandering around picking up more stuff at Target like I usually do. And I still have not bought a single beauty related product this month! Woo woo! As far as my credit card bill goes, my limit was $300 a month ($250 = brownie points!) But I did just spend $115 at Walmart yesterday and $15 at Whole Foods the other day for groceries, which is gonna amp up my bill quite a bit. I literally threw away most of my food at the end of the semester because I figured it was time to get some fresh stuff, hence the high bill. Usually my grocery bills average $50 so we should be good from here on out. 
Unfortunately though I think my January bill may also top off at about $300 or more this month not only because of groceries, but also because of Step 1. I just spent nearly $75 getting study books. Combine that with groceries and sweaters, and so far my bill is around $250. Ughhhhh. Responsibilities totally suck. My expenditures have mainly been: Study books, groceries, Target sweaters, my brother's $5 Pokemon cards (his gift, don't ask). Yep so nothing crazy, just mainly groceries and study books, all of which were accounted for in my loans. Only $50 play money this month :(  I have a feeling I may not be able to keep up this resolution this month. 

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