Saturday, January 11, 2014

Life Updates (1 week into the New Year!)

So, life has been super hectic since Tuesday. I've been meaning to do this blog post for a couple days, but something or another has come up. Lots of deadlines, errands, and of course school work prevented me from writing this until now. But the good news is that I've finished my Scholarly Project proposal (and submitted it!) and I did my first Advanced Medical Interviewing session! That's the class I was super nervous about because we had to interview emotional patients. It was really really hard and I definitely think I could have handled my patient better, but it was an excellent learning experience. I realized things I did need to improve on (such as not saying "I understand" all the damn time). My patient even said "you know the 4th time when you said I understand, it was a little wearisome" haha. Oh well, embarrassing but a good learning experience anyway.
After AMI I was sooooo beat that I decided to take the evening off and do some much needed cleaning and make it my diet day off for this week. I also kinda started feeling a little feverish and sick, so I took a little nap and just chilled out, watching YouTube videos and stuff. Unproductive night, but I got all of my post-Xmas goodies stashed away and finished washing my dishes this morning. I just need to vacuum, fold my clothes, and do some laundry, which I was going to do tonight. Otherwise my room is pretty clean! I have been thinking of all our Christmas decorations and I think I'm going to keep them up probably until either Valentine's day or until my spring decorations come up. I don't have a lot of spring stuff, but I love decorating my apartment seasonally so I'm sure I can find something.

Although this week has been super busy, I've been somewhat annoyed with myself because I'm already slacking on some of my resolutions. For instance, I had to eat at the hospital cafeteria 2x this week because I had been so busy in the morning that I had forgotten to pack a lunch, or the snacks I did pack weren't filling enough. Wednesday was really bad...I checked my food diary at 4pm and realized I had only eaten 400 calories. Needless to say, that was a no-workout day (hey that rhymes!). I guess I just need to plan out my meals ahead of time and make sure I leave enough time in the morning to prepare and pack food. It's a learning experience! I think this is gonna put a dent in my money savings resolution, butttt hopefully no more than $350 this month? Only $50 more than intended. Not bad since I had to get all my Step1 books and everything this month right?
And then there's next week, where I have 3 dinner dates planned. AHHHH. Diet disaster, much? However, Monday is going to be my diet day off so I'm not worried about that. Wednesday I'm going to a restaurant after the Wicked show. I'm just going to exercise like crazy that morning (an hour on the elliptical = 600 calories!) so I can eat a bigger meal later. And then Thursday, I have to take a guest speaker out to a fancy dinner. The place hasn't been decided yet, but hopefully it's somewhat fancy enough that they have smaller meals or yummy salads for the super skinny rich guests they regularly have. I'm a little nervous because I'm hoping that it won't derail my diet and make me super duper bloated.

This is shaping up to be such a long blogpost, but soooo many things happened this week. Oh! I also subscribed to, which is slowly becoming my favorite site. She's such a doll and such an inspiration! I've loved LC since Laguna Beach and I'm so glad I discovered her website. It's literally everything I love in one blog. And I love the pictures she posts of her life, they make me so happy and actually optimistic for a change :)

Anyway, back to studying I suppose. And time to workout to burn all those tortilla chips I ate yesterday! :X

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