Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sunday Night Rituals

This post has been long time coming. I've always wanted to designate one day out of the week to be my de-stressing/relaxation day. The issue is that my schedule is so hectic and erratic that it's hard to pick out one, recurring day to be that day. But I think that since boards time is coming up and my stress has been peaking, it's time to plan out a weekly relaxation day. I'm thinking Sunday just because it designates the end of a week before the beginning of a fresh, new week.

List of things to do on my day off
  1. Cook dinner for the week
  2. Clean/organize room
  3. Apply Mint Julep face mask or bleach face
  4. Catch up on blogs and beauty videos
  5. Sift through Pinterest posts
  6. Update and review calendar/agenda for the upcoming week

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